SPARKS THAT DIE 323 Don Fabrizio Colonna flourished in the favour of the Lord Julius P.P. II; and he, also, was under many vital obligations to the Duke of Ferrara. He, in his turn, tried the role of peacemaker between pontiff and sovereign; and so far succeeded, that the Holy Father farcically permitted the Duke to come to Rome, assured of a favourable recep- tion, to plead his cause and to arrange the terms of his submission. He came. He saw the Ruler of the World. He was conquered. The Terrible Pontiff named the sole conditions on which He would consent to remit the ban of excom- munication. Nothing could be more enormously radical and sweeping. They were, abdication of his sovereignty over the city and whole duchy of Ferrara, with absolute renunciation for himself and his heirs for ever of all rights therein, in favour of the Holy See; also, his retire- ment to voluntary life-long exile at the little city of Asti in. the province of Lombardy. Death and obliteration of the Borgia, not by vulgar assassination but by constitutional withdrawal of the means to live, was the aim of the Terrible Pontiff; wherefore He would strip naked Duke Alfonso, as aforetime He had stripped naked Duke Cesare. Duke Alfonso d'Este refused to purchase release from excommunication on these disgraceful terms. The Lord Julius P.P. II let him have hints which gave to understand that the said terms might be mitigated. By various subter- fuges he was detained in Rome. The army of the Terrible Pontiff stealthily was advanc- ing on Ferrara. There was only a woman there. Duke Alfonso chanced to hear of the pontifical strata- gem. On the instant, he made his plans for quitting Rome. But he found that he was in a prison. The Terrible Pon- tiff held him; and would not let him go. The Lord Alex- ander P.P. VI may not have ken a Saint: but He never dirtied His honour like this.